Garage doors are one of those modern conveniences we all take for granted until they stop working correctly. Perhaps you’ve recently found yourself in this situation. Your garage door has begun announcing when it’s in use with a jarring noise that you’re fairly certain can’t be normal. Well, you’re right. Keep reading because we’re going to go over the most likely reasons for this problem and what you can do to remedy it.
Your Garage Door Opener May Be the Problem
If your garage door opener is older than 20 years, we can almost guarantee that it’s the problem. Although you’ll need to invest in a new one, you’re going to be happy with the results. Modern versions are extremely quiet, especially compared to the older one you’re currently using. One with a rubber belt that is supported by metal would be best.
Even if it’s not that old, you’ll want to inspect it. Your opener either works with a chain or a chain and steel wire. Either way, these are important components to inspect to see if they make noise when in operation.
The trolley also needs to be examined. Is it made from three distinct pieces? If so, you’ll want to check the bolts to see if they have loosened with age, which would definitely cause a lot of noise. Replace it with one that only has one piece to it.
The Garage Door Could Be Responsible
After inspecting the garage door opener, it’s time to move onto the second suspect: the actual door. If yours isn’t insulated and is only made with one steel side, that could be the source of the noise. The same goes for one that has an insulated side on the interior of the door (though that’s at least a little better).
If you find that the door is responsible, you’ll need to replace it with a sandwich‑type doors that is made with three layers: steel, insulation and another layer of steel. These doors are much stronger and quieter.
The rollers could be making the noise if they’ve become worn out. Don’t assume they’re working fine just because the garage door moves when you click the button. They’re supposed to actually roll, not simply slide through the tracks. If they’re doing the latter, they’re most likely making a noise in the process.
We recommend steel rollers that are made with 11 ball bearings and covered in nylon. These will perform just fine, but are also extremely quiet.
Finally, the spring system needs to be examined. Any issues that are keeping it from being a counterweight for your garage door will most likely result in a noise as well. Ideally, you should invest in a torsion spring system. These do a much better job at keeping the noise down when they operate and are also a lot safer too. Proper lubrication is also an important step you can take toward muting the noise.
Your Garage May Be at Fault
Finally, it could be that the noise is a result of your actual garage’s construction. One really common reason for a loud garage is if it’s below a bedroom and made from concrete. This type of construction turns it into an echo chamber. The problem gets even worse if your bedroom has a hardwood floor. That’s about as bad as it gets.
Fortunately, a large rug will actually help create a buffer between your bedroom floor and the source of the noise. Carpeting would be even better. If at all possible, try to insulate your garage’s ceiling by using a semi-rigid piece of mineral wool.
Noise isolators can also be used to cancel out the sounds you’re hearing. The way the tracks are attached to your garage could be creating the noise and these items are going to be the best way to address them.
If your garage is made out of concrete, install noise isolators between the anchor and the ceiling. You can also use semi-rigid rubber. If your garage is made from wood, it isn’t insulated and the opener is installed directly into a rafter, that’s probably where the unwanted sound is coming from. Noise isolators can still be used or just some semi-rigid rubber.
Proper Maintenance Is the Best Way to Avoid Sound Problems
Once you diagnose the sound problem you’re having and fix it, start a maintenance protocol to avoid this kind of situation in the future. Otherwise, you’ll most likely run into this same aggravation after a year or so. Fortunately, this couldn’t be easier to do:
- Carry out a visual inspection of your garage door, including its hardware. Check to make sure all the bolts and screws are in place and tight.
- Pull the emergency cord on the garage door and make sure it is easy to move around manually. If the spring system is working properly, this shouldn’t be a problem. Otherwise, you’ll need a specialist to fix it. This is not the type of repair that would be safe to attempt on your own.
- Apply lubricant to all of the door’s components. For the steel pieces, use a metal lubricant and for any that are made from PVC, use one with a silicone base.
Follow this process twice a year – in the fall and spring – to keep your door functioning correctly.
A noisy garage door is annoying, but it doesn’t need to be a problem for long. Simply follow the above steps to figure out what’s causing the sound and then fix it. Of course, if you need help from a professional, you can always call 506-633-6604. You can click here to get a free quote, or click here to start by building your perfect garage door! It would be a pleasure for our staff to answer your questions and guide you in the best actions to take.
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